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I'm Marcus Joy

           Hi I'm Marcus Joy CEO at Joy Insurance, LLC. Thanks you for taking the first step thats going to change the rest of your life. MCA is an amazing work from home opportunity that allow you to take two hours a day of marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and anywhere you can place an ad and turn it in $500 to $1000 per week. We provide you with step by step training and support to help you reach you income goals in as little time as possible.


This is how the compensation plan works. Every time you get a referral or an individual to sign up you get $80.00

If you do 1 a day that

$80.00 x 7 days a week is $560.00 a week,

If you do 2 a day that

$1160.00 x 7 days a week is $1,120.00 a week,

its that simple, the more you do the more you get paid.


          This is not a SCAM it's a very reputable company called MCA. (Motor club of America) that's been around for more than 87 years. There are many jobs online that offer to make money online, some are real and some are not, but this one is real and has been proven to make money fast. I have had many people join and have been very successful with this company and I know you can do the same. They also have great benefits as a member as well, like towing up to 100 miles, roadside assistance, dental discounts, hospital benefits and much much more that you as an agent will have for being a member.  If you put in just two hours a day and follow our step by step training you will see a paycheck every Friday.  Your time, effort, and dedication will get you to where you want to be.


You can contact us at 731-658-5005 or my cell is 731-609-3109.


Remember Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.


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